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NAudio.Wave.Compression.AcmInterop Class Reference

Interop definitions for Windows ACM (Audio Compression Manager) API. More...

Collaboration diagram for NAudio.Wave.Compression.AcmInterop:

Public Member Functions

delegate bool AcmDriverEnumCallback (IntPtr hAcmDriverId, IntPtr instance, AcmDriverDetailsSupportFlags flags)
delegate bool AcmFormatEnumCallback (IntPtr hAcmDriverId, ref AcmFormatDetails formatDetails, IntPtr dwInstance, AcmDriverDetailsSupportFlags flags)
delegate bool AcmFormatTagEnumCallback (IntPtr hAcmDriverId, ref AcmFormatTagDetails formatTagDetails, IntPtr dwInstance, AcmDriverDetailsSupportFlags flags)
delegate bool AcmFormatChooseHookProc (IntPtr windowHandle, int message, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam)
 http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd742910%28VS.85%29.aspx UINT ACMFORMATCHOOSEHOOKPROC acmFormatChooseHookProc( HWND hwnd,
UINT uMsg,
WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam

static MmResult acmDriverAdd (out IntPtr driverHandle, IntPtr driverModule, IntPtr driverFunctionAddress, int priority, AcmDriverAddFlags flags)
 Adds an Audio Compression Manager (ACM) driver to the system.
static MmResult acmDriverRemove (IntPtr driverHandle, int removeFlags)
 Removes an Audio Compression Manager (ACM) driver.
static MmResult acmDriverClose (IntPtr hAcmDriver, int closeFlags)
 Closes an Audio Compression Manager (ACM) driver.
static MmResult acmDriverEnum (AcmDriverEnumCallback fnCallback, IntPtr dwInstance, AcmDriverEnumFlags flags)
 Enumerates the Audio Compression Manager (ACM) drivers installed on the system.
static MmResult acmDriverDetails (IntPtr hAcmDriver, ref AcmDriverDetails driverDetails, int reserved)
 Retrieves details about an Audio Compression Manager (ACM) driver.
static MmResult acmDriverOpen (out IntPtr pAcmDriver, IntPtr hAcmDriverId, int openFlags)
 Opens an Audio Compression Manager (ACM) driver and returns a handle to the driver.
static MmResult acmFormatChoose (ref AcmFormatChoose formatChoose)
 Displays the ACM Format Chooser common dialog box to enable a user to select a waveform-audio format.
static MmResult acmFormatEnum (IntPtr hAcmDriver, ref AcmFormatDetails formatDetails, AcmFormatEnumCallback callback, IntPtr instance, AcmFormatEnumFlags flags)
 Enumerates the available formats for an ACM driver.
static MmResult acmFormatSuggest2 (IntPtr hAcmDriver, IntPtr sourceFormatPointer, IntPtr destFormatPointer, int sizeDestFormat, AcmFormatSuggestFlags suggestFlags)
 Suggests a destination format for converting an audio format.
static MmResult acmFormatTagEnum (IntPtr hAcmDriver, ref AcmFormatTagDetails formatTagDetails, AcmFormatTagEnumCallback callback, IntPtr instance, int reserved)
 Enumerates the available format tags for audio compression manager (ACM) drivers.
static MmResult acmMetrics (IntPtr hAcmObject, AcmMetrics metric, out int output)
 Retrieves information about an Audio Compression Manager (ACM) driver or converter.
static MmResult acmStreamOpen2 (out IntPtr hAcmStream, IntPtr hAcmDriver, IntPtr sourceFormatPointer, IntPtr destFormatPointer, [In] WaveFilter waveFilter, IntPtr callback, IntPtr instance, AcmStreamOpenFlags openFlags)
 Opens a new conversion stream for audio data.
static MmResult acmStreamClose (IntPtr hAcmStream, int closeFlags)
 Closes an Audio Compression Manager (ACM) stream.
static MmResult acmStreamConvert (IntPtr hAcmStream, [In, Out] AcmStreamHeaderStruct streamHeader, AcmStreamConvertFlags streamConvertFlags)
 Converts audio data from one format to another using the Audio Compression Manager (ACM).
static MmResult acmStreamPrepareHeader (IntPtr hAcmStream, [In, Out] AcmStreamHeaderStruct streamHeader, int prepareFlags)
 Prepares the header for an Audio Compression Manager (ACM) stream.
static MmResult acmStreamReset (IntPtr hAcmStream, int resetFlags)
 Resets the conversion state of an Audio Compression Manager (ACM) stream.
static MmResult acmStreamSize (IntPtr hAcmStream, int inputBufferSize, out int outputBufferSize, AcmStreamSizeFlags flags)
 Retrieves the size of the output buffer required for the specified input buffer size and conversion parameters.
static MmResult acmStreamUnprepareHeader (IntPtr hAcmStream, [In, Out] AcmStreamHeaderStruct streamHeader, int flags)
 Unprepares the header for an Audio Compression Manager (ACM) stream.

Detailed Description

Interop definitions for Windows ACM (Audio Compression Manager) API.

Member Function Documentation

◆ acmDriverAdd()

static MmResult NAudio.Wave.Compression.AcmInterop.acmDriverAdd ( out IntPtr driverHandle,
IntPtr driverModule,
IntPtr driverFunctionAddress,
int priority,
AcmDriverAddFlags flags )

Adds an Audio Compression Manager (ACM) driver to the system.

driverHandleWhen this method returns, contains a pointer to a handle for the added ACM driver.
driverModuleThe handle to the module that contains the ACM driver function.
driverFunctionAddressThe address of the ACM driver function.
priorityThe priority of the ACM driver.
flagsFlags that specify how the ACM driver should be added.
An MmResult value indicating the result of adding the ACM driver.
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ acmDriverClose()

static MmResult NAudio.Wave.Compression.AcmInterop.acmDriverClose ( IntPtr hAcmDriver,
int closeFlags )

Closes an Audio Compression Manager (ACM) driver.

hAcmDriverHandle to the ACM driver to be closed.
closeFlagsFlags that specify how the ACM driver should be closed.
An MmResult value indicating the result of the operation.
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ acmDriverDetails()

static MmResult NAudio.Wave.Compression.AcmInterop.acmDriverDetails ( IntPtr hAcmDriver,
ref AcmDriverDetails driverDetails,
int reserved )

Retrieves details about an Audio Compression Manager (ACM) driver.

hAcmDriverHandle to the ACM driver to retrieve details for.
driverDetailsReference to an AcmDriverDetails structure that will receive the driver details.
reservedReserved parameter; must be set to 0.
An MmResult value indicating the result of the operation.
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ acmDriverEnum()

static MmResult NAudio.Wave.Compression.AcmInterop.acmDriverEnum ( AcmDriverEnumCallback fnCallback,
IntPtr dwInstance,
AcmDriverEnumFlags flags )

Enumerates the Audio Compression Manager (ACM) drivers installed on the system.

fnCallbackA callback function to be called for each ACM driver found.
dwInstanceApplication-defined parameter to be passed to the callback function.
flagsFlags that control the driver enumeration process.
A result code indicating the success or failure of the driver enumeration.
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ AcmDriverEnumCallback()

delegate bool NAudio.Wave.Compression.AcmInterop.AcmDriverEnumCallback ( IntPtr hAcmDriverId,
IntPtr instance,
AcmDriverDetailsSupportFlags flags )
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ acmDriverOpen()

static MmResult NAudio.Wave.Compression.AcmInterop.acmDriverOpen ( out IntPtr pAcmDriver,
IntPtr hAcmDriverId,
int openFlags )

Opens an Audio Compression Manager (ACM) driver and returns a handle to the driver.

pAcmDriverWhen this method returns, contains a handle to the opened ACM driver.
hAcmDriverIdHandle to the ACM driver identifier. This parameter is not currently used and should be set to IntPtr.Zero.
openFlagsFlags that specify how the ACM driver should be opened.
An MmResult value that indicates the result of the operation.

This method opens an ACM driver specified by the hAcmDriverId parameter and returns a handle to the driver in the pAcmDriver parameter. The openFlags parameter specifies how the ACM driver should be opened, such as for querying or for writing.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ acmDriverRemove()

static MmResult NAudio.Wave.Compression.AcmInterop.acmDriverRemove ( IntPtr driverHandle,
int removeFlags )

Removes an Audio Compression Manager (ACM) driver.

driverHandleThe handle to the ACM driver to be removed.
removeFlagsFlags that specify how the driver should be removed.
A result code indicating the success or failure of the operation.
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ acmFormatChoose()

static MmResult NAudio.Wave.Compression.AcmInterop.acmFormatChoose ( ref AcmFormatChoose formatChoose)

Displays the ACM Format Chooser common dialog box to enable a user to select a waveform-audio format.

formatChooseA reference to an AcmFormatChoose structure that contains information used to initialize the dialog box.
An MmResult value representing the result of the operation.
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ AcmFormatChooseHookProc()

delegate bool NAudio.Wave.Compression.AcmInterop.AcmFormatChooseHookProc ( IntPtr windowHandle,
int message,
IntPtr wParam,
IntPtr lParam )

http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd742910%28VS.85%29.aspx UINT ACMFORMATCHOOSEHOOKPROC acmFormatChooseHookProc( HWND hwnd,
UINT uMsg,
WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam

◆ acmFormatEnum()

static MmResult NAudio.Wave.Compression.AcmInterop.acmFormatEnum ( IntPtr hAcmDriver,
ref AcmFormatDetails formatDetails,
AcmFormatEnumCallback callback,
IntPtr instance,
AcmFormatEnumFlags flags )

Enumerates the available formats for an ACM driver.

hAcmDriverHandle to the ACM driver to query for available formats.
formatDetailsReference to an AcmFormatDetails structure that receives details about the format.
callbackCallback function to be called for each format found.
instanceApplication-defined instance handle.
flagsFlags that modify the behavior of the enumeration.
The result of the enumeration operation.
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ AcmFormatEnumCallback()

delegate bool NAudio.Wave.Compression.AcmInterop.AcmFormatEnumCallback ( IntPtr hAcmDriverId,
ref AcmFormatDetails formatDetails,
IntPtr dwInstance,
AcmDriverDetailsSupportFlags flags )

◆ acmFormatSuggest2()

static MmResult NAudio.Wave.Compression.AcmInterop.acmFormatSuggest2 ( IntPtr hAcmDriver,
IntPtr sourceFormatPointer,
IntPtr destFormatPointer,
int sizeDestFormat,
AcmFormatSuggestFlags suggestFlags )

Suggests a destination format for converting an audio format.

hAcmDriverHandle to the ACM driver to use for the format suggestion.
sourceFormatPointerPointer to the source format to be converted.
destFormatPointerPointer to the suggested destination format.
sizeDestFormatSize of the destination format structure.
suggestFlagsFlags that specify the format suggestion options.
A result code indicating the success or failure of the format suggestion.
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ acmFormatTagEnum()

static MmResult NAudio.Wave.Compression.AcmInterop.acmFormatTagEnum ( IntPtr hAcmDriver,
ref AcmFormatTagDetails formatTagDetails,
AcmFormatTagEnumCallback callback,
IntPtr instance,
int reserved )

Enumerates the available format tags for audio compression manager (ACM) drivers.

hAcmDriverHandle to the ACM driver to query for format tags.
formatTagDetailsReference to an AcmFormatTagDetails structure that receives the format tag details.
callbackCallback function to be called for each format tag found.
instanceApplication-defined value to be passed to the callback function.
reservedReserved; must be set to zero.
The result of the enumeration operation, represented by an MmResult value.

This method enumerates the available format tags for the specified ACM driver, calling the provided callback function for each format tag found. The formatTagDetails structure receives the details of each format tag, and the instance parameter is passed to the callback function.

◆ AcmFormatTagEnumCallback()

delegate bool NAudio.Wave.Compression.AcmInterop.AcmFormatTagEnumCallback ( IntPtr hAcmDriverId,
ref AcmFormatTagDetails formatTagDetails,
IntPtr dwInstance,
AcmDriverDetailsSupportFlags flags )

◆ acmMetrics()

static MmResult NAudio.Wave.Compression.AcmInterop.acmMetrics ( IntPtr hAcmObject,
AcmMetrics metric,
out int output )

Retrieves information about an Audio Compression Manager (ACM) driver or converter.

hAcmObjectHandle to the ACM driver or converter to query.
metricThe metric to query.
outputWhen this method returns, contains the requested information about the ACM driver or converter.
An MmResult value indicating the success or failure of the operation.

This method retrieves information about the specified ACM driver or converter, as specified by the hAcmObject parameter. The metric parameter specifies the type of information to retrieve. The retrieved information is stored in the output parameter.

◆ acmStreamClose()

static MmResult NAudio.Wave.Compression.AcmInterop.acmStreamClose ( IntPtr hAcmStream,
int closeFlags )

Closes an Audio Compression Manager (ACM) stream.

hAcmStreamHandle to the ACM stream to be closed.
closeFlagsFlags that specify how the ACM stream should be closed.
An MmResult value indicating the result of the operation.
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ acmStreamConvert()

static MmResult NAudio.Wave.Compression.AcmInterop.acmStreamConvert ( IntPtr hAcmStream,
[In, Out] AcmStreamHeaderStruct streamHeader,
AcmStreamConvertFlags streamConvertFlags )

Converts audio data from one format to another using the Audio Compression Manager (ACM).

hAcmStreamHandle to the conversion stream.
streamHeaderThe stream header containing information about the conversion process.
streamConvertFlagsFlags that control the conversion process.
The result of the conversion operation.

This method uses the Audio Compression Manager (ACM) to convert audio data from one format to another. It takes a handle to the conversion stream, a stream header containing information about the conversion process, and flags that control the conversion process.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ acmStreamOpen2()

static MmResult NAudio.Wave.Compression.AcmInterop.acmStreamOpen2 ( out IntPtr hAcmStream,
IntPtr hAcmDriver,
IntPtr sourceFormatPointer,
IntPtr destFormatPointer,
[In] WaveFilter waveFilter,
IntPtr callback,
IntPtr instance,
AcmStreamOpenFlags openFlags )

Opens a new conversion stream for audio data.

hAcmStreamWhen this method returns, contains a handle to the new stream.
hAcmDriverHandle to the ACM driver to be used for the conversion.
sourceFormatPointerPointer to the WAVEFORMATEX structure that specifies the format of the source data.
destFormatPointerPointer to the WAVEFORMATEX structure that specifies the format of the destination data.
waveFilterA WaveFilter structure that specifies any filtering to be applied during the conversion process.
callbackPointer to a callback function that is called during the conversion process.
instanceHandle to the application-defined instance that is passed to the callback function.
openFlagsFlags that specify the stream open options.
An MmResult value indicating the result of the operation.
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ acmStreamPrepareHeader()

static MmResult NAudio.Wave.Compression.AcmInterop.acmStreamPrepareHeader ( IntPtr hAcmStream,
[In, Out] AcmStreamHeaderStruct streamHeader,
int prepareFlags )

Prepares the header for an Audio Compression Manager (ACM) stream.

hAcmStreamHandle to the ACM stream.
streamHeaderThe stream header to be prepared.
prepareFlagsFlags specifying the preparation options.
A result code indicating the success or failure of the operation.

This method prepares the specified stream header for use with the given ACM stream. The preparation flags can be used to specify additional options for the preparation process.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ acmStreamReset()

static MmResult NAudio.Wave.Compression.AcmInterop.acmStreamReset ( IntPtr hAcmStream,
int resetFlags )

Resets the conversion state of an Audio Compression Manager (ACM) stream.

hAcmStreamHandle to the ACM stream to be reset.
resetFlagsFlags that specify how the stream should be reset.
An MmResult value indicating the result of the operation.

◆ acmStreamSize()

static MmResult NAudio.Wave.Compression.AcmInterop.acmStreamSize ( IntPtr hAcmStream,
int inputBufferSize,
out int outputBufferSize,
AcmStreamSizeFlags flags )

Retrieves the size of the output buffer required for the specified input buffer size and conversion parameters.

hAcmStreamHandle to the conversion stream.
inputBufferSizeSize of the input buffer.
outputBufferSizeWhen this method returns, contains the size of the output buffer required for the specified input buffer size and conversion parameters.
flagsFlags that specify the stream size operation.
An MmResult value indicating the result of the operation.
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ acmStreamUnprepareHeader()

static MmResult NAudio.Wave.Compression.AcmInterop.acmStreamUnprepareHeader ( IntPtr hAcmStream,
[In, Out] AcmStreamHeaderStruct streamHeader,
int flags )

Unprepares the header for an Audio Compression Manager (ACM) stream.

hAcmStreamHandle to the ACM stream.
streamHeaderThe stream header to unprepare.
flagsFlags that specify the unprepare operation.
An MmResult value indicating the result of the unprepare operation.
Here is the caller graph for this function:

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