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xeno_rat_client.Compression Class Reference
Collaboration diagram for xeno_rat_client.Compression:

Static Public Member Functions

static byte[] Compress (byte[] buffer)
 Compresses the input buffer using the LZNT1 compression format and returns the compressed data.
static byte[] Decompress (byte[] buffer, int original_size)
 Decompresses the input buffer using the LZNT1 compression format and returns the decompressed data.

Private Member Functions

static uint RtlGetCompressionWorkSpaceSize (ushort CompressionFormat, out uint pNeededBufferSize, out uint Unknown)
 Retrieves the size of the workspace required for compression.
static uint RtlDecompressBuffer (ushort CompressionFormat, byte[] UncompressedBuffer, int UncompressedBufferSize, byte[] CompressedBuffer, int CompressedBufferSize, out int FinalUncompressedSize)
 Decompresses a buffer using the specified compression format and returns the decompressed data.
static uint RtlCompressBuffer (ushort CompressionFormat, byte[] SourceBuffer, int SourceBufferLength, byte[] DestinationBuffer, int DestinationBufferLength, uint Unknown, out int pDestinationSize, IntPtr WorkspaceBuffer)
 Compresses the input buffer using the specified compression format and returns the compressed data in the destination buffer.
static IntPtr LocalAlloc (int uFlags, IntPtr sizetdwBytes)
 Allocates memory in the local heap.
static IntPtr LocalFree (IntPtr hMem)
 Frees the memory block allocated by the LocalAlloc or LocalReAlloc function.

Static Private Attributes


Member Function Documentation

◆ Compress()

static byte[] xeno_rat_client.Compression.Compress ( byte[] buffer)

Compresses the input buffer using the LZNT1 compression format and returns the compressed data.

bufferThe input buffer to be compressed.
The compressed data in the LZNT1 format.

This method compresses the input buffer using the LZNT1 compression format and returns the compressed data. It first calculates the required workspace size for compression using the RtlGetCompressionWorkSpaceSize function. If the compression operation is successful, it returns the compressed data; otherwise, it returns null.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ Decompress()

static byte[] xeno_rat_client.Compression.Decompress ( byte[] buffer,
int original_size )

Decompresses the input buffer using the LZNT1 compression format and returns the decompressed data.

bufferThe compressed data to be decompressed.
original_sizeThe size of the original data before compression.
The decompressed data as a byte array.

This method decompresses the input buffer using the LZNT1 compression format and returns the decompressed data as a new byte array. The size of the original data before compression is required to properly decompress the input buffer.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ LocalAlloc()

static IntPtr xeno_rat_client.Compression.LocalAlloc ( int uFlags,
IntPtr sizetdwBytes )

Allocates memory in the local heap.

uFlagsThe memory allocation attributes. This parameter specifies the allocation attributes. This parameter can be zero or any combination of the following values: LMEM_FIXED, LMEM_MOVEABLE, LMEM_ZEROINIT, and LMEM_NOCOMPACT.
sizetdwBytesThe size of the memory block, in bytes. If this parameter is zero, the LocalAlloc function allocates a zero-length item and returns a valid pointer to that item.
A pointer to the allocated memory block if the function succeeds; otherwise, it returns NULL.

This method allocates memory in the local heap of the calling process. The allocated memory is automatically initialized to zero. If the LocalAlloc function succeeds, the return value is a handle to the newly allocated memory object. If the LocalAlloc function fails, the return value is NULL.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ LocalFree()

static IntPtr xeno_rat_client.Compression.LocalFree ( IntPtr hMem)

Frees the memory block allocated by the LocalAlloc or LocalReAlloc function.

hMemA handle to the local memory object. This handle is returned by either the LocalAlloc or LocalReAlloc function.
If the function succeeds, the return value is NULL. If the function fails, the return value is equal to a handle to the local memory object. To get extended error information, call GetLastError.

This method frees the memory block allocated by the LocalAlloc or LocalReAlloc function. It is important to note that this method is used for freeing memory allocated in unmanaged code, and it should be used with caution to avoid memory leaks and access violations.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ RtlCompressBuffer()

static uint xeno_rat_client.Compression.RtlCompressBuffer ( ushort CompressionFormat,
byte[] SourceBuffer,
int SourceBufferLength,
byte[] DestinationBuffer,
int DestinationBufferLength,
uint Unknown,
out int pDestinationSize,
IntPtr WorkspaceBuffer )

Compresses the input buffer using the specified compression format and returns the compressed data in the destination buffer.

CompressionFormatThe compression format to be used.
SourceBufferThe input buffer to be compressed.
SourceBufferLengthThe length of the input buffer.
DestinationBufferThe buffer to store the compressed data.
DestinationBufferLengthThe length of the destination buffer.
UnknownUnknown parameter.
pDestinationSizeThe size of the compressed data in the destination buffer.
WorkspaceBufferThe workspace buffer used for compression.
The status of the compression operation.
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ RtlDecompressBuffer()

static uint xeno_rat_client.Compression.RtlDecompressBuffer ( ushort CompressionFormat,
byte[] UncompressedBuffer,
int UncompressedBufferSize,
byte[] CompressedBuffer,
int CompressedBufferSize,
out int FinalUncompressedSize )

Decompresses a buffer using the specified compression format and returns the decompressed data.

CompressionFormatThe compression format used for the input buffer.
UncompressedBufferThe buffer containing the uncompressed data.
UncompressedBufferSizeThe size of the uncompressed data buffer.
CompressedBufferThe buffer containing the compressed data to be decompressed.
CompressedBufferSizeThe size of the compressed data buffer.
FinalUncompressedSizeWhen this method returns, contains the size of the decompressed data.
The status of the decompression operation. Zero indicates success; otherwise, an error occurred.

This method decompresses the data in the input buffer using the specified compression format. The decompressed data is stored in the output buffer, and the size of the decompressed data is returned in the FinalUncompressedSize parameter.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ RtlGetCompressionWorkSpaceSize()

static uint xeno_rat_client.Compression.RtlGetCompressionWorkSpaceSize ( ushort CompressionFormat,
out uint pNeededBufferSize,
out uint Unknown )

Retrieves the size of the workspace required for compression.

CompressionFormatThe compression format.
pNeededBufferSizeReceives the size of the workspace required for compression.
UnknownReceives an unknown value.
The status of the operation.
Here is the caller graph for this function:

Member Data Documentation


const ushort xeno_rat_client.Compression.COMPRESSION_ENGINE_MAXIMUM = 0x100


const ushort xeno_rat_client.Compression.COMPRESSION_FORMAT_LZNT1 = 2

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