No Matches
AForge.Video.DirectShow.Internals Namespace Reference


class  AMMediaType
 The structure describes the format of a media sample.
struct  BitmapInfoHeader
 The structure contains information about the dimensions and color format of a device-independent bitmap (DIB).
struct  CAUUID
 The CAUUID structure is a Counted Array of UUID or GUID types.
class  Clsid
 DirectShow class IDs.
struct  FilterInfo
class  FindDirection
class  FormatType
 DirectShow format types.
interface  IAMCameraControl
 The IAMCameraControl interface controls camera settings such as zoom, pan, aperture adjustment, or shutter speed. To obtain this interface, query the filter that controls the camera.
interface  IAMCrossbar
 The IAMCrossbar interface routes signals from an analog or digital source to a video capture filter.
interface  IAMStreamConfig
 This interface sets the output format on certain capture and compression filters, for both audio and video.
interface  IAMVideoControl
 The interface controls certain video capture operations such as enumerating available frame rates and image orientation.
interface  IBaseFilter
 The IBaseFilter interface provides methods for controlling a filter. All DirectShow filters expose this interface.
interface  ICaptureGraphBuilder2
 This interface builds capture graphs and other custom filter graphs.
interface  ICreateDevEnum
 The ICreateDevEnum interface creates an enumerator for devices within a particular category, such as video capture devices, audio capture devices, video compressors, and so forth.
interface  IEnumFilters
 This interface is used by applications or other filters to determine what filters exist in the filter graph.
interface  IEnumPins
 Enumerates pins on a filter.
interface  IFilterGraph
 The interface provides methods for building a filter graph. An application can use it to add filters to the graph, connect or disconnect filters, remove filters, and perform other basic operations.
interface  IFilterGraph2
 This interface extends the IFilterGraph and IGraphBuilder interfaces, which contain methods for building filter graphs.
interface  IGraphBuilder
 This interface provides methods that enable an application to build a filter graph.
interface  IMediaControl
 The interface provides methods for controlling the flow of data through the filter graph. It includes methods for running, pausing, and stopping the graph.
interface  IMediaEventEx
 The interface inherits contains methods for retrieving event notifications and for overriding the filter graph's default handling of events.
interface  IPin
 This interface is exposed by all input and output pins of DirectShow filters.
interface  IPropertyBag
 The IPropertyBag interface provides an object with a property bag in which the object can persistently save its properties.
interface  IReferenceClock
 The IReferenceClock interface provides the reference time for the filter graph.
interface  ISampleGrabber
 The interface is exposed by the Sample Grabber Filter. It enables an application to retrieve individual media samples as they move through the filter graph.
interface  ISampleGrabberCB
 The interface provides callback methods for the ISampleGrabber.SetCallback method.
interface  ISpecifyPropertyPages
 The interface indicates that an object supports property pages.
class  MediaSubType
 DirectShow media subtypes.
class  MediaType
 DirectShow media types.
class  PinCategory
 DirectShow pin categories.
struct  PinInfo
 The structure contains information about a pin.
struct  RECT
 The structure defines the coordinates of the upper-left and lower-right corners of a rectangle.
struct  VideoInfoHeader
 The structure describes the bitmap and color information for a video image.
struct  VideoInfoHeader2
 The structure describes the bitmap and color information for a video image (v2).
class  VideoStreamConfigCaps
class  Win32
 Some Win32 API used internally.