No Matches
NAudio.Wave.SampleProviders Namespace Reference


class  AdsrSampleProvider
 ADSR sample provider allowing you to specify attack, decay, sustain and release values. More...
class  ConcatenatingSampleProvider
 Sample Provider to concatenate multiple sample providers together. More...
class  FadeInOutSampleProvider
 Sample Provider to allow fading in and out. More...
interface  IPanStrategy
 Required Interface for a Panning Strategy. More...
interface  ISampleChunkConverter
 Sample provider interface to make WaveChannel32 extensible Still a bit ugly, hence internal at the moment - and might even make these into bit depth converting WaveProviders. More...
class  LinearPanStrategy
 Linear Pan. More...
class  MeteringSampleProvider
 Simple SampleProvider that passes through audio unchanged and raises an event every n samples with the maximum sample value from the period for metering purposes. More...
class  MixingSampleProvider
 A sample provider mixer, allowing inputs to be added and removed. More...
class  Mono16SampleChunkConverter
class  Mono24SampleChunkConverter
class  Mono8SampleChunkConverter
class  MonoFloatSampleChunkConverter
class  MonoToStereoSampleProvider
 No nonsense mono to stereo provider, no volume adjustment, just copies input to left and right. More...
class  MultiplexingSampleProvider
 Allows any number of inputs to be patched to outputs Uses could include swapping left and right channels, turning mono into stereo, feeding different input sources to different soundcard outputs etc. More...
class  NotifyingSampleProvider
 Simple class that raises an event on every sample. More...
class  OffsetSampleProvider
 Allows you to: More...
class  PanningSampleProvider
 Converts a mono sample provider to stereo, with a customisable pan strategy. More...
class  Pcm16BitToSampleProvider
 Converts an IWaveProvider containing 16 bit PCM to an ISampleProvider. More...
class  Pcm24BitToSampleProvider
 Converts an IWaveProvider containing 24 bit PCM to an ISampleProvider. More...
class  Pcm32BitToSampleProvider
 Converts an IWaveProvider containing 32 bit PCM to an ISampleProvider. More...
class  Pcm8BitToSampleProvider
 Converts an IWaveProvider containing 8 bit PCM to an ISampleProvider. More...
class  SampleChannel
 Utility class that takes an IWaveProvider input at any bit depth and exposes it as an ISampleProvider. Can turn mono inputs into stereo, and allows adjusting of volume (The eventual successor to WaveChannel32) This class also serves as an example of how you can link together several simple Sample Providers to form a more useful class. More...
class  SampleProviderConverterBase
 Helper base class for classes converting to ISampleProvider. More...
class  SampleProviderConverters
 Utility class for converting to SampleProvider. More...
class  SampleProviderEventArgs
 SampleProvider event args. More...
class  SampleToWaveProvider
 Helper class for when you need to convert back to an IWaveProvider from an ISampleProvider. Keeps it as IEEE float. More...
class  SampleToWaveProvider16
 Converts a sample provider to 16 bit PCM, optionally clipping and adjusting volume along the way. More...
class  SampleToWaveProvider24
 Converts a sample provider to 24 bit PCM, optionally clipping and adjusting volume along the way. More...
class  SignalGenerator
 Signal Generator Sin, Square, Triangle, SawTooth, White Noise, Pink Noise, Sweep. More...
class  SinPanStrategy
 Sinus Pan, thanks to Yuval Naveh. More...
class  SmbPitchShiftingSampleProvider
 Author: Freefall Date: 05.08.16 Based on: the port of Stephan M. BernseeĀ“s pitch shifting class Port site: https://sites.google.com/site/mikescoderama/pitch-shifting Test application and github site: https://github.com/Freefall63/NAudio-Pitchshifter. More...
class  SquareRootPanStrategy
 Square Root Pan, thanks to Yuval Naveh. More...
class  Stereo16SampleChunkConverter
class  Stereo24SampleChunkConverter
class  Stereo8SampleChunkConverter
class  StereoBalanceStrategy
 Simplistic "balance" control - treating the mono input as if it was stereo In the centre, both channels full volume. Opposite channel decays linearly as balance is turned to to one side. More...
class  StereoFloatSampleChunkConverter
struct  StereoSamplePair
 Pair of floating point values, representing samples or multipliers. More...
class  StereoToMonoSampleProvider
 Takes a stereo input and turns it to mono. More...
class  StreamVolumeEventArgs
 Event args for aggregated stream volume. More...
class  VolumeSampleProvider
 Very simple sample provider supporting adjustable gain. More...
class  WaveToSampleProvider
 Helper class turning an already 32 bit floating point IWaveProvider into an ISampleProvider - hopefully not needed for most applications. More...
class  WaveToSampleProvider64
 Helper class turning an already 64 bit floating point IWaveProvider into an ISampleProvider - hopefully not needed for most applications. More...
class  WdlResamplingSampleProvider
 Fully managed resampling sample provider, based on the WDL Resampler. More...


enum  SignalGeneratorType {
  Pink , White , Sweep , Sin ,
  Square , Triangle , SawTooth
 Signal Generator type. More...

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ SignalGeneratorType

Signal Generator type.


Pink noise.


White noise.




Sine wave.


Square wave.


Triangle Wave.


Sawtooth wave.