Cxeno_rat_server._listener | |
CHidden_handler._ProcessHelper | |
CNAudio.Wave.Compression.AcmDriverDetails | Interop structure for ACM driver details (ACMDRIVERDETAILS) |
CNAudio.Wave.Compression.AcmFormat | ACM Format |
CNAudio.Wave.Compression.AcmFormatChoose | ACMFORMATCHOOSE |
CNAudio.Wave.Compression.AcmFormatDetails | ACMFORMATDETAILS |
CNAudio.Wave.Compression.AcmFormatTag | ACM Format Tag |
CNAudio.Wave.Compression.AcmFormatTagDetails | |
CNAudio.Wave.Compression.AcmInterop | Interop definitions for Windows ACM (Audio Compression Manager) API |
CNAudio.Wave.Compression.AcmStreamHeaderStruct | Interop structure for ACM stream headers. ACMSTREAMHEADER |
Cxeno_rat_server.Forms.Socks5Const.AddressType | |
CNAudio.Wave.AiffFileReader.AiffChunk | AIFF Chunk |
CNAudio.Codecs.ALawDecoder | A-law decoder based on code from: |
CNAudio.Codecs.ALawEncoder | A-law encoder |
CNAudio.Wave.Asio.Asio64Bit | ASIO 64 bit value Unfortunately the ASIO API was implemented it before compiler supported consistently 64 bit integer types. By using the structure the data layout on a little-endian system like the Intel x86 architecture will result in a "non native" storage of the 64 bit data. The most significant 32 bit are stored first in memory, the least significant bits are stored in the higher memory space. However each 32 bit is stored in the native little-endian fashion |
CNAudio.Wave.Asio.AsioCallbacks | ASIO Callbacks |
CNAudio.Wave.Asio.AsioChannelInfo | ASIO Channel Info |
CNAudio.Wave.Asio.AsioDriver | Main AsioDriver Class. To use this class, you need to query first the GetAsioDriverNames() and then use the GetAsioDriverByName to instantiate the correct AsioDriver. This is the first AsioDriver binding fully implemented in C#! |
CNAudio.Wave.Asio.AsioDriverCapability | AsioDriverCapability holds all the information from the AsioDriver. Use AsioDriverExt to get the Capabilities |
CNAudio.Wave.Asio.AsioDriverExt | AsioDriverExt is a simplified version of the AsioDriver. It provides an easier way to access the capabilities of the Driver and implement the callbacks necessary for feeding the driver. Implementation inspired from Rob Philpot's with a managed C++ ASIO wrapper BlueWave.Interop.Asio |
CNAudio.Wave.Asio.AsioDriver.AsioDriverVTable | Internal VTable structure to store all the delegates to the C++ COM method |
►CNAudio.Dsp.AttRelEnvelope | |
CNAudio.Dsp.SimpleCompressor | |
CNAudio.Dsp.SimpleGate | |
►CAttribute | |
CNAudio.Utils.FieldDescriptionAttribute | Allows us to add descriptions to interop members |
CNAudio.CoreAudioApi.AudioClientActivationParams | AUDIOCLIENT_ACTIVATION_PARAMS |
CNAudio.CoreAudioApi.AudioClientProcessLoopbackParams | AUDIOCLIENT_PROCESS_LOOPBACK_PARAMS |
CNAudio.CoreAudioApi.AudioClientProperties | The AudioClientProperties structure is used to set the parameters that describe the properties of the client's audio stream |
CNAudio.CoreAudioApi.AudioEndpointVolumeChannel | Audio Endpoint Volume Channel |
CNAudio.CoreAudioApi.AudioEndpointVolumeChannels | Audio Endpoint Volume Channels |
CNAudio.CoreAudioApi.AudioEndpointVolumeStepInformation | Audio Endpoint Volume Step Information |
CNAudio.CoreAudioApi.AudioEndpointVolumeVolumeRange | Audio Endpoint Volume Volume Range |
CNAudio.Dmo.AudioMediaSubtypes | |
CNAudio.CoreAudioApi.AudioMeterInformation | Audio Meter Information |
CNAudio.CoreAudioApi.AudioMeterInformationChannels | Audio Meter Information Channels |
Cxeno_rat_server.Forms.AudioPlayer | |
CNAudio.CoreAudioApi.AudioSessionManager | AudioSessionManager |
CNAudio.MediaFoundation.AudioSubtypes | Audio Subtype GUIDs |
CNAudio.CoreAudioApi.AudioVolumeNotificationData | Audio Volume Notification Data |
Cxeno_rat_server.Forms.Socks5Const.AuthMethod | |
CNAudio.Codecs.Band | Band data for G722 Codec |
CNAudio.Wave.BextChunkInfo | Https:// |
CNAudio.Dsp.BiQuadFilter | BiQuad filter |
Cxeno_rat_server.IconInjector.BITMAPINFOHEADER | |
CNAudio.CoreAudioApi.Interfaces.Blob | Representation of binary large object container |
CNAudio.Mixer.MixerInterop.Bounds | BOUNDS structure |
CNAudio.Utils.BufferHelpers | Helper methods for working with audio buffers |
CNAudio.Utils.ByteArrayExtensions | These will become extension methods once we move to .NET 3.5 |
CPlugin.Chromium | |
CNAudio.Utils.ChunkIdentifier | Chunk Identifier helpers |
CNAudio.Utils.CircularBuffer | A very basic circular buffer implementation |
►CCollectionBase | |
CAForge.Video.DirectShow.FilterInfoCollection | Collection of filters' information objects |
Cxeno_rat_server.Forms.Socks5Const.Command | |
CNAudio.Dsp.Complex | Type to represent complex number |
Cxeno_rat_client.Compression | |
Cxeno_rat_server.Compression | |
CNAudio.CoreAudioApi.Connector | Connector |
CPlugin.Chromium.Cookie | |
Cxeno_rat_server.Forms.Cookie | |
CPlugin.Chromium.CreditCard | |
Cxeno_rat_server.Forms.CreditCard | |
CPlugin.SystemUtility.CShellWindows | |
CNAudio.Wave.Cue | Holds information on a cue: a labeled position within a Wave file |
CNAudio.Wave.CueList | Holds a list of cues |
CPlugin.ScreenshotTaker.CURSORINFO | |
CNAudio.Utils.Decibels | A util class for conversions |
CNAudio.CoreAudioApi.DeviceTopology | Windows CoreAudio DeviceTopology |
CNAudio.Wave.DirectSoundDeviceInfo | Class for enumerating DirectSound devices |
Cxeno_rat_client.DllHandler | |
CNAudio.Dmo.DmoDescriptor | Contains the name and CLSID of a DirectX Media Object |
CNAudio.Dmo.DmoEnumerator | DirectX Media Object Enumerator |
CNAudio.Dmo.DmoGuids | DMO Guids for use with DMOEnum dmoreg.h |
CNAudio.Dmo.DmoInterop | |
CNAudio.Dmo.DmoMediaType | Http:// DMO_MEDIA_TYPE |
CNAudio.Dmo.DmoMediaTypeGuids | |
CNAudio.Dmo.DmoPartialMediaType | DMO_PARTIAL_MEDIATYPE |
CPlugin.Chromium.Download | |
Cxeno_rat_server.Forms.Download | |
►CEncoding | |
CNAudio.Utils.ByteEncoding | An encoding for use with file types that have one byte per character |
Cxeno_rat_client.Encryption | |
Cxeno_rat_server.Encryption | |
CNAudio.Dsp.EnvelopeDetector | |
CNAudio.Dsp.EnvelopeGenerator | Envelope generator (ADSR) |
CNAudio.CoreAudioApi.Interfaces.ErrorCodes | |
►CEventArgs | |
CAForge.Video.NewFrameEventArgs | Arguments for new frame event from video source |
CAForge.Video.VideoSourceErrorEventArgs | Arguments for video source error event from video source |
CNAudio.Midi.MidiInMessageEventArgs | MIDI In Message Information |
CNAudio.Midi.MidiInSysexMessageEventArgs | MIDI In Sysex Message Information |
CNAudio.Wave.AsioAudioAvailableEventArgs | Raised when ASIO data has been recorded. It is important to handle this as quickly as possible as it is in the buffer callback |
CNAudio.Wave.SampleEventArgs | Sample event arguments |
CNAudio.Wave.SampleProviders.SampleProviderEventArgs | SampleProvider event args |
CNAudio.Wave.SampleProviders.StreamVolumeEventArgs | Event args for aggregated stream volume |
CNAudio.Wave.StoppedEventArgs | Stopped Event Args |
CNAudio.Wave.WaveInEventArgs | Event Args for WaveInStream event |
►CException | |
CNAudio.MmException | Summary description for MmException |
CNAudio.Dsp.FastFourierTransform | Summary description for FastFourierTransform |
CNAudio.Utils.FieldDescriptionHelper | Helper to get descriptions |
Cxeno_rat_server.Forms.FileData | |
Cxeno_rat_server.Forms.FileView | |
CAForge.Video.DirectShow.FilterCategory | DirectShow filter categories |
►CForm | |
CChat.ChatForm | |
CNAudio.Wave.WaveWindow | |
Cxeno_rat_server.Forms.Chat | |
Cxeno_rat_server.Forms.DebugInfo | |
Cxeno_rat_server.Forms.File_manager | |
Cxeno_rat_server.Forms.FunMenu | |
Cxeno_rat_server.Forms.Hvnc | |
Cxeno_rat_server.Forms.InfoGrab | |
Cxeno_rat_server.Forms.KeyLogger | |
Cxeno_rat_server.Forms.Live_Microphone | |
Cxeno_rat_server.Forms.OfflineKeylogger | |
Cxeno_rat_server.Forms.ProcessManager | |
Cxeno_rat_server.Forms.Registry_Manager | |
Cxeno_rat_server.Forms.Reverse_Proxy | |
Cxeno_rat_server.Forms.ScreenControl | |
Cxeno_rat_server.Forms.Shell | |
Cxeno_rat_server.Forms.WebCam | |
Cxeno_rat_server.MainForm | |
CNAudio.Codecs.G722Codec | SpanDSP - a series of DSP components for telephony |
CNAudio.Codecs.G722CodecState | Stores state to be used between calls to Encode or Decode |
CNAudio.SoundFont.Generator | Soundfont generator |
CAForge.Video.DirectShow.VideoCaptureDevice.Grabber | |
Cxeno_rat_server.IconInjector.GRPICONDIRENTRY | |
Cxeno_rat_client.Handler | |
Cxeno_rat_client.header | |
Cxeno_rat_server.header | |
CNAudio.Utils.HResult | HResult |
CNAudio.Wasapi.CoreAudioApi.Interfaces.IActivateAudioInterfaceAsyncOperation | |
CNAudio.Wasapi.CoreAudioApi.Interfaces.IActivateAudioInterfaceCompletionHandler | |
CNAudio.Wasapi.CoreAudioApi.Interfaces.IAgileObject | |
CNAudio.CoreAudioApi.Interfaces.IAudioCaptureClient | |
►CNAudio.CoreAudioApi.Interfaces.IAudioClient | Windows CoreAudio IAudioClient interface Defined in AudioClient.h |
CNAudio.CoreAudioApi.Interfaces.IAudioClient2 | Https:// |
CPlugin.IAudioEndpointVolume | |
CNAudio.CoreAudioApi.Interfaces.IAudioRenderClient | |
►CNAudio.CoreAudioApi.Interfaces.IAudioSessionControl | Windows CoreAudio IAudioSessionControl interface Defined in AudioPolicy.h |
CNAudio.CoreAudioApi.Interfaces.IAudioSessionControl2 | Windows CoreAudio IAudioSessionControl interface Defined in AudioPolicy.h |
►CNAudio.CoreAudioApi.Interfaces.IAudioSessionEvents | Windows CoreAudio IAudioSessionControl interface Defined in AudioPolicy.h |
CNAudio.CoreAudioApi.AudioSessionEventsCallback | AudioSessionEvents callback implementation |
CNAudio.CoreAudioApi.Interfaces.IAudioSessionEventsHandler | Interface to receive session related events |
CNAudio.CoreAudioApi.Interfaces.IAudioSessionNotification | Windows CoreAudio IAudioSessionNotification interface Defined in AudioPolicy.h |
CNAudio.CoreAudioApi.Interfaces.IAudioStreamVolume | |
►CICloneable | |
►CNAudio.Midi.MidiEvent | Represents an individual MIDI event |
CNAudio.Midi.ChannelAfterTouchEvent | Represents a MIDI Channel AfterTouch Event |
CNAudio.Midi.ControlChangeEvent | Represents a MIDI control change event |
►CNAudio.Midi.MetaEvent | Represents a MIDI meta event |
CNAudio.Midi.KeySignatureEvent | Represents a MIDI key signature event event |
CNAudio.Midi.RawMetaEvent | Represents a MIDI meta event with raw data |
CNAudio.Midi.SequencerSpecificEvent | Represents a Sequencer Specific event |
CNAudio.Midi.SmpteOffsetEvent | SMPTE Offset Event |
CNAudio.Midi.TempoEvent | Represents a MIDI tempo event |
CNAudio.Midi.TextEvent | Represents a MIDI text event |
CNAudio.Midi.TimeSignatureEvent | Represents a MIDI time signature event |
CNAudio.Midi.TrackSequenceNumberEvent | Represents a MIDI track sequence number event event |
►CNAudio.Midi.NoteEvent | Represents a note MIDI event |
CNAudio.Midi.NoteOnEvent | Represents a MIDI note on event |
CNAudio.Midi.PatchChangeEvent | Represents a MIDI patch change event |
CNAudio.Midi.PitchWheelChangeEvent | Represents a MIDI pitch wheel change event |
CNAudio.Midi.SysexEvent | Represents a MIDI sysex message |
►CIComparable | |
CAForge.Video.DirectShow.FilterInfo | DirectShow filter information |
►CIComparer | |
CNAudio.Midi.MidiEventComparer | Utility class for comparing MidiEvent objects |
Cxeno_rat_server.IconInjector.ICONDIR | |
Cxeno_rat_server.IconInjector.ICONDIRENTRY | |
Cxeno_rat_server.IconInjector.IconFile | |
Cxeno_rat_server.IconInjector | |
►CICustomMarshaler | |
CNAudio.Wave.WaveFormatCustomMarshaler | Custom marshaller for WaveFormat structures |
CNAudio.Wave.Id3v2Tag | An ID3v2 Tag |
CNAudio.Dmo.Effect.IDirectSoundFXCompressor | |
CNAudio.Dmo.Effect.IDirectSoundFXDistortion | |
CNAudio.Dmo.Effect.IDirectSoundFXEcho | |
CNAudio.Dmo.Effect.IDirectSoundFXFlanger | |
CNAudio.Dmo.Effect.IDirectSoundFXGargle | |
CNAudio.Dmo.Effect.IDirectSoundFXI3DL2Reverb | |
CNAudio.Dmo.Effect.IDirectSoundFxParamEq | |
CNAudio.Dmo.Effect.IDirectSoundFXWavesReverb | |
CPlugin.SystemUtility.IDispatch | |
►CIDisposable | |
CNAudio.CoreAudioApi.AudioCaptureClient | Audio Capture Client |
CNAudio.CoreAudioApi.AudioClient | Windows CoreAudio AudioClient |
CNAudio.CoreAudioApi.AudioClockClient | Audio Clock Client |
CNAudio.CoreAudioApi.AudioEndpointVolume | Audio Endpoint Volume |
CNAudio.CoreAudioApi.AudioRenderClient | Audio Render Client |
CNAudio.CoreAudioApi.AudioSessionControl | AudioSessionControl object for information regarding an audio session |
CNAudio.CoreAudioApi.AudioStreamVolume | Manages the AudioStreamVolume for the AudioClient |
CNAudio.CoreAudioApi.MMDevice | MM Device |
CNAudio.CoreAudioApi.MMDeviceEnumerator | MM Device Enumerator |
CNAudio.CoreAudioApi.SimpleAudioVolume | Windows CoreAudio SimpleAudioVolume |
CNAudio.Dmo.DmoOutputDataBuffer | DMO Output Data Buffer |
CNAudio.Dmo.DmoResampler | DMO Resampler |
CNAudio.Dmo.Effect.IDmoEffector< out TParameters > | Interface of DMO Effectors |
CNAudio.Dmo.MediaBuffer | Attempting to implement the COM IMediaBuffer interface as a .NET object Not sure what will happen when I pass this to an unmanaged object |
CNAudio.Dmo.MediaObject | Media Object |
CNAudio.Dmo.MediaObjectInPlace | Media Object InPlace |
CNAudio.Dmo.WindowsMediaMp3Decoder | Windows Media MP3 Decoder (as a DMO) WORK IN PROGRESS - DO NOT USE! |
►CNAudio.MediaFoundation.MediaFoundationTransform | An abstract base class for simplifying working with Media Foundation Transforms You need to override the method that actually creates and configures the transform |
CNAudio.Wave.MediaFoundationResampler | The Media Foundation Resampler Transform |
CNAudio.Midi.MidiIn | Represents a MIDI in device |
CNAudio.Midi.MidiOut | Represents a MIDI out device |
CNAudio.Wave.BwfWriter | Broadcast WAVE File Writer |
CNAudio.Wave.Compression.AcmDriver | Represents an installed ACM Driver |
CNAudio.Wave.Compression.AcmStream | AcmStream encapsulates an Audio Compression Manager Stream used to convert audio from one format to another |
CNAudio.Wave.Compression.AcmStreamHeader | |
CNAudio.Wave.DmoEffectWaveProvider< TDmoEffector, TEffectorParam > | Provide WaveProvider that can apply effects in real time using DMO |
►CNAudio.Wave.IMp3FrameDecompressor | Interface for MP3 frame by frame decoder |
CNAudio.FileFormats.Mp3.DmoMp3FrameDecompressor | MP3 Frame decompressor using the Windows Media MP3 Decoder DMO object |
CNAudio.Wave.AcmMp3FrameDecompressor | MP3 Frame Decompressor using ACM |
►CNAudio.Wave.IWaveIn | Generic interface for wave recording |
►CNAudio.CoreAudioApi.WasapiCapture | Audio Capture using Wasapi See |
CNAudio.Wave.WasapiLoopbackCapture | WASAPI Loopback Capture based on a contribution from "Pygmy" - |
CNAudio.Wave.WaveIn | Allows recording using the Windows waveIn APIs Events are raised as recorded buffers are made available |
CNAudio.Wave.WaveInEvent | Recording using waveIn api with event callbacks. Use this for recording in non-gui applications Events are raised as recorded buffers are made available |
►CNAudio.Wave.IWavePlayer | Represents the interface to a device that can play a WaveFile |
CNAudio.Wave.AsioOut | ASIO Out Player. New implementation using an internal C# binding |
CNAudio.Wave.DirectSoundOut | NativeDirectSoundOut using DirectSound COM interop. Contact author: Alexandre Mutel - alexandre_mutel at Modified by: Graham "Gee" Plumb |
CNAudio.Wave.WasapiOut | Support for playback using Wasapi |
CNAudio.Wave.WaveOut | Represents a wave out device |
CNAudio.Wave.WaveOutEvent | Alternative WaveOut class, making use of the Event callback |
CNAudio.Wave.MediaFoundationEncoder | Media Foundation Encoder class allows you to use Media Foundation to encode an IWaveProvider to any supported encoding format |
CNAudio.Wave.WaveFormatConversionProvider | IWaveProvider that passes through an ACM Codec |
CNAudio.Wave.WaveInBuffer | A buffer of Wave samples |
CNAudio.Wave.WaveOutBuffer | A buffer of Wave samples for streaming to a Wave Output device |
CNAudio.Wave.WaveRecorder | Utility class to intercept audio from an IWaveProvider and save it to disk |
►CNAudio.Dmo.Effect.IDmoEffector< DmoChorus.Params > | |
CNAudio.Dmo.Effect.DmoChorus | DMO Chorus Effect |
►CNAudio.Dmo.Effect.IDmoEffector< DmoCompressor.Params > | |
CNAudio.Dmo.Effect.DmoCompressor | DMO Compressor Effect |
►CNAudio.Dmo.Effect.IDmoEffector< DmoDistortion.Params > | |
CNAudio.Dmo.Effect.DmoDistortion | DMO Distortion Effect |
►CNAudio.Dmo.Effect.IDmoEffector< DmoEcho.Params > | |
CNAudio.Dmo.Effect.DmoEcho | Dmo Echo Effect |
►CNAudio.Dmo.Effect.IDmoEffector< DmoFlanger.Params > | |
CNAudio.Dmo.Effect.DmoFlanger | DMO Flanger Effect |
►CNAudio.Dmo.Effect.IDmoEffector< DmoGargle.Params > | |
CNAudio.Dmo.Effect.DmoGargle | DMO Gargle Effect |
►CNAudio.Dmo.Effect.IDmoEffector< DmoI3DL2Reverb.Params > | |
CNAudio.Dmo.Effect.DmoI3DL2Reverb | DMO I3DL2Reverb Effect |
►CNAudio.Dmo.Effect.IDmoEffector< DmoParamEq.Params > | |
CNAudio.Dmo.Effect.DmoParamEq | DMO Parametric Equalizer Effect |
►CNAudio.Dmo.Effect.IDmoEffector< DmoWavesReverb.Params > | |
CNAudio.Dmo.Effect.DmoWavesReverb | DMO Reverb Effect |
CNAudio.Dmo.Effect.IDmoEffector< TEffectorParam > | |
CNAudio.Utils.IEEE | Methods for converting between IEEE 80-bit extended double precision and standard C# double precision |
CNAudio.Dmo.IEnumDmo | |
►CIEnumerable | |
CNAudio.CoreAudioApi.MMDeviceCollection | Multimedia Device Collection |
CNAudio.Midi.MidiEventCollection | A helper class to manage collection of MIDI events It has the ability to organise them in tracks |
CHidden_handler.Imaging_handler | |
►CNAudio.Dmo.IMediaBuffer | IMediaBuffer Interface |
CNAudio.Dmo.MediaBuffer | Attempting to implement the COM IMediaBuffer interface as a .NET object Not sure what will happen when I pass this to an unmanaged object |
CNAudio.Dmo.IMediaObject | Defined in mediaobj.h |
CNAudio.Dmo.IMediaParamInfo | Defined in Medparam.h |
►CNAudio.MediaFoundation.IMFAttributes | Provides a generic way to store key/value pairs on an object. |
CNAudio.MediaFoundation.IMFActivate | IMFActivate, defined in mfobjects.h |
CNAudio.MediaFoundation.IMFMediaEvent | IMFMediaEvent - Represents an event generated by a Media Foundation object. Use this interface to get information about the event. Mfobjects.h |
CNAudio.MediaFoundation.IMFMediaType | Represents a description of a media format. |
CNAudio.MediaFoundation.IMFSample | Http:// |
CNAudio.MediaFoundation.IMFByteStream | IMFByteStream |
CNAudio.MediaFoundation.IMFCollection | Represents a generic collection of IUnknown pointers |
CNAudio.MediaFoundation.IMFMediaBuffer | IMFMediaBuffer |
CNAudio.MediaFoundation.IMFReadWriteClassFactory | Creates an instance of either the sink writer or the source reader |
CNAudio.MediaFoundation.IMFSinkWriter | Implemented by the Microsoft Media Foundation sink writer object |
CNAudio.MediaFoundation.IMFSourceReader | IMFSourceReader interface |
CNAudio.MediaFoundation.IMFTransform | IMFTransform, defined in mftransform.h |
CNAudio.CoreAudioApi.Interfaces.IMMDevice | |
CPlugin.IMMDevice | |
CNAudio.CoreAudioApi.Interfaces.IMMDeviceCollection | |
CNAudio.CoreAudioApi.Interfaces.IMMDeviceEnumerator | |
CPlugin.IMMDeviceEnumerator | |
CNAudio.CoreAudioApi.Interfaces.IMMEndpoint | Defined in MMDeviceAPI.h |
CNAudio.CoreAudioApi.Interfaces.IMMNotificationClient | IMMNotificationClient |
CNAudio.Dsp.ImpulseResponseConvolution | Summary description for ImpulseResponseConvolution |
CNAudio.SoundFont.InfoChunk | A soundfont info chunk |
CHidden_handler.input_handler | |
CPlugin.InputHandler | |
CNAudio.SoundFont.Instrument | SoundFont instrument |
►CNAudio.Wave.SampleProviders.IPanStrategy | Required Interface for a Panning Strategy |
CNAudio.Wave.SampleProviders.LinearPanStrategy | Linear Pan |
CNAudio.Wave.SampleProviders.SinPanStrategy | Sinus Pan, thanks to Yuval Naveh |
CNAudio.Wave.SampleProviders.SquareRootPanStrategy | Square Root Pan, thanks to Yuval Naveh |
CNAudio.Wave.SampleProviders.StereoBalanceStrategy | Simplistic "balance" control - treating the mono input as if it was stereo In the centre, both channels full volume. Opposite channel decays linearly as balance is turned to to one side |
CNAudio.CoreAudioApi.Interfaces.IPropertyStore | Defined in propsys.h |
►CNAudio.Wave.SampleProviders.ISampleChunkConverter | Sample provider interface to make WaveChannel32 extensible Still a bit ugly, hence internal at the moment - and might even make these into bit depth converting WaveProviders |
CNAudio.Wave.SampleProviders.Mono16SampleChunkConverter | |
CNAudio.Wave.SampleProviders.Mono24SampleChunkConverter | |
CNAudio.Wave.SampleProviders.Mono8SampleChunkConverter | |
CNAudio.Wave.SampleProviders.MonoFloatSampleChunkConverter | |
CNAudio.Wave.SampleProviders.Stereo16SampleChunkConverter | |
CNAudio.Wave.SampleProviders.Stereo24SampleChunkConverter | |
CNAudio.Wave.SampleProviders.Stereo8SampleChunkConverter | |
CNAudio.Wave.SampleProviders.StereoFloatSampleChunkConverter | |
►CNAudio.Wave.ISampleNotifier | An interface for WaveStreams which can report notification of individual samples |
CNAudio.Wave.SampleProviders.NotifyingSampleProvider | Simple class that raises an event on every sample |
CNAudio.Wave.WaveChannel32 | Represents Channel for the WaveMixerStream 32 bit output and 16 bit input It's output is always stereo The input stream can be panned |
►CNAudio.Wave.ISampleProvider | Like IWaveProvider, but makes it much simpler to put together a 32 bit floating point mixing engine |
CNAudio.Wave.SampleProviders.AdsrSampleProvider | ADSR sample provider allowing you to specify attack, decay, sustain and release values |
CNAudio.Wave.SampleProviders.ConcatenatingSampleProvider | Sample Provider to concatenate multiple sample providers together |
CNAudio.Wave.SampleProviders.FadeInOutSampleProvider | Sample Provider to allow fading in and out |
CNAudio.Wave.SampleProviders.MeteringSampleProvider | Simple SampleProvider that passes through audio unchanged and raises an event every n samples with the maximum sample value from the period for metering purposes |
CNAudio.Wave.SampleProviders.MixingSampleProvider | A sample provider mixer, allowing inputs to be added and removed |
CNAudio.Wave.SampleProviders.MonoToStereoSampleProvider | No nonsense mono to stereo provider, no volume adjustment, just copies input to left and right |
CNAudio.Wave.SampleProviders.MultiplexingSampleProvider | Allows any number of inputs to be patched to outputs Uses could include swapping left and right channels, turning mono into stereo, feeding different input sources to different soundcard outputs etc |
CNAudio.Wave.SampleProviders.NotifyingSampleProvider | Simple class that raises an event on every sample |
CNAudio.Wave.SampleProviders.OffsetSampleProvider | Allows you to: |
CNAudio.Wave.SampleProviders.PanningSampleProvider | Converts a mono sample provider to stereo, with a customisable pan strategy |
CNAudio.Wave.SampleProviders.SampleChannel | Utility class that takes an IWaveProvider input at any bit depth and exposes it as an ISampleProvider. Can turn mono inputs into stereo, and allows adjusting of volume (The eventual successor to WaveChannel32) This class also serves as an example of how you can link together several simple Sample Providers to form a more useful class |
►CNAudio.Wave.SampleProviders.SampleProviderConverterBase | Helper base class for classes converting to ISampleProvider |
CNAudio.Wave.SampleProviders.Pcm16BitToSampleProvider | Converts an IWaveProvider containing 16 bit PCM to an ISampleProvider |
CNAudio.Wave.SampleProviders.Pcm24BitToSampleProvider | Converts an IWaveProvider containing 24 bit PCM to an ISampleProvider |
CNAudio.Wave.SampleProviders.Pcm32BitToSampleProvider | Converts an IWaveProvider containing 32 bit PCM to an ISampleProvider |
CNAudio.Wave.SampleProviders.Pcm8BitToSampleProvider | Converts an IWaveProvider containing 8 bit PCM to an ISampleProvider |
CNAudio.Wave.SampleProviders.WaveToSampleProvider | Helper class turning an already 32 bit floating point IWaveProvider into an ISampleProvider - hopefully not needed for most applications |
CNAudio.Wave.SampleProviders.WaveToSampleProvider64 | Helper class turning an already 64 bit floating point IWaveProvider into an ISampleProvider - hopefully not needed for most applications |
CNAudio.Wave.SampleProviders.SignalGenerator | Signal Generator Sin, Square, Triangle, SawTooth, White Noise, Pink Noise, Sweep |
CNAudio.Wave.SampleProviders.SmbPitchShiftingSampleProvider | Author: Freefall Date: 05.08.16 Based on: the port of Stephan M. Bernsee´s pitch shifting class Port site: Test application and github site: |
CNAudio.Wave.SampleProviders.StereoToMonoSampleProvider | Takes a stereo input and turns it to mono |
CNAudio.Wave.SampleProviders.VolumeSampleProvider | Very simple sample provider supporting adjustable gain |
CNAudio.Wave.SampleProviders.WdlResamplingSampleProvider | Fully managed resampling sample provider, based on the WDL Resampler |
CNAudio.Wave.SimpleCompressorEffect | A simple compressor |
CNAudio.Wave.WaveProvider32 | Base class for creating a 32 bit floating point wave provider Can also be used as a base class for an ISampleProvider that can be plugged straight into anything requiring an IWaveProvider |
CPlugin.SystemUtility.IServiceProvider | |
CPlugin.SystemUtility.IShellBrowser | |
CPlugin.SystemUtility.IShellDispatch2 | |
CPlugin.SystemUtility.IShellFolderViewDual | |
CPlugin.SystemUtility.IShellView | |
CPlugin.SystemUtility.IShellWindows | |
►CIStream | |
CNAudio.Wave.ComStream | Implementation of Com IStream |
►CAForge.Video.IVideoSource | Video source interface |
CAForge.Video.DirectShow.VideoCaptureDevice | Video source for local video capture device (for example USB webcam) |
►CNAudio.Wave.IWaveBuffer | IWaveBuffer interface use to store wave datas. Data can be manipulated with arrays (ByteBuffer,FloatBuffer, ShortBuffer,IntBuffer ) that are pointing to the same memory buffer. This is a requirement for all subclasses |
CNAudio.Wave.WaveBuffer | WaveBuffer class use to store wave datas. Data can be manipulated with arrays (ByteBuffer,FloatBuffer,ShortBuffer,IntBuffer ) that are pointing to the same memory buffer. Use the associated Count property based on the type of buffer to get the number of data in the buffer. Implicit casting is now supported to float[], byte[], int[], short[]. You must not use Length on returned arrays |
►CNAudio.Wave.IWavePosition | Interface for IWavePlayers that can report position |
CNAudio.Wave.WasapiOut | Support for playback using Wasapi |
CNAudio.Wave.WaveOut | Represents a wave out device |
CNAudio.Wave.WaveOutEvent | Alternative WaveOut class, making use of the Event callback |
►CNAudio.Wave.IWaveProvider | Generic interface for all WaveProviders |
CNAudio.MediaFoundation.MediaFoundationTransform | An abstract base class for simplifying working with Media Foundation Transforms You need to override the method that actually creates and configures the transform |
CNAudio.Wave.BufferedWaveProvider | Provides a buffered store of samples Read method will return queued samples or fill buffer with zeroes Now backed by a circular buffer |
CNAudio.Wave.DmoEffectWaveProvider< TDmoEffector, TEffectorParam > | Provide WaveProvider that can apply effects in real time using DMO |
CNAudio.Wave.MixingWaveProvider32 | WaveProvider that can mix together multiple 32 bit floating point input provider All channels must have the same number of inputs and same sample rate n.b. Work in Progress - not tested yet |
CNAudio.Wave.MonoToStereoProvider16 | Converts from mono to stereo, allowing freedom to route all, some, or none of the incoming signal to left or right channels |
CNAudio.Wave.MultiplexingWaveProvider | Allows any number of inputs to be patched to outputs Uses could include swapping left and right channels, turning mono into stereo, feeding different input sources to different soundcard outputs etc |
CNAudio.Wave.SampleProviders.SampleToWaveProvider | Helper class for when you need to convert back to an IWaveProvider from an ISampleProvider. Keeps it as IEEE float |
CNAudio.Wave.SampleProviders.SampleToWaveProvider16 | Converts a sample provider to 16 bit PCM, optionally clipping and adjusting volume along the way |
CNAudio.Wave.SampleProviders.SampleToWaveProvider24 | Converts a sample provider to 24 bit PCM, optionally clipping and adjusting volume along the way |
CNAudio.Wave.SilenceProvider | Silence producing wave provider Useful for playing silence when doing a WASAPI Loopback Capture |
CNAudio.Wave.StereoToMonoProvider16 | Takes a stereo 16 bit input and turns it mono, allowing you to select left or right channel only or mix them together |
CNAudio.Wave.VolumeWaveProvider16 | Helper class allowing us to modify the volume of a 16 bit stream without converting to IEEE float |
CNAudio.Wave.Wave16ToFloatProvider | Converts 16 bit PCM to IEEE float, optionally adjusting volume along the way |
CNAudio.Wave.WaveFloatTo16Provider | Converts IEEE float to 16 bit PCM, optionally clipping and adjusting volume along the way |
CNAudio.Wave.WaveFormatConversionProvider | IWaveProvider that passes through an ACM Codec |
CNAudio.Wave.WaveInProvider | Buffered WaveProvider taking source data from WaveIn |
CNAudio.Wave.WaveProvider16 | Base class for creating a 16 bit wave provider |
CNAudio.Wave.WaveProvider32 | Base class for creating a 32 bit floating point wave provider Can also be used as a base class for an ISampleProvider that can be plugged straight into anything requiring an IWaveProvider |
CNAudio.Wave.WaveRecorder | Utility class to intercept audio from an IWaveProvider and save it to disk |
►CNAudio.Wave.WaveStream | Base class for all WaveStream classes. Derives from stream |
CNAudio.Wave.AiffFileReader | A read-only stream of AIFF data based on an aiff file with an associated WaveFormat originally contributed to NAudio by Giawa |
CNAudio.Wave.BlockAlignReductionStream | Helper stream that lets us read from compressed audio files with large block alignment as though we could read any amount and reposition anywhere |
►CNAudio.Wave.MediaFoundationReader | Class for reading any file that Media Foundation can play Will only work in Windows Vista and above Automatically converts to PCM If it is a video file with multiple audio streams, it will pick out the first audio stream |
CNAudio.Wave.StreamMediaFoundationReader | MediaFoundationReader supporting reading from a stream |
CNAudio.Wave.Mp3FileReaderBase | Class for reading from MP3 files |
CNAudio.Wave.RawSourceWaveStream | WaveStream that simply passes on data from its source stream (e.g. a MemoryStream) |
CNAudio.Wave.ResamplerDmoStream | Wave Stream for converting between sample rates |
CNAudio.Wave.Wave32To16Stream | WaveStream that converts 32 bit audio back down to 16 bit, clipping if necessary |
CNAudio.Wave.WaveChannel32 | Represents Channel for the WaveMixerStream 32 bit output and 16 bit input It's output is always stereo The input stream can be panned |
►CNAudio.Wave.WaveFileReader | This class supports the reading of WAV files, providing a repositionable WaveStream that returns the raw data contained in the WAV file |
CNAudio.Wave.CueWaveFileReader | A wave file reader supporting cue reading |
CNAudio.Wave.WaveFormatConversionStream | WaveStream that passes through an ACM Codec |
CNAudio.Wave.WaveMixerStream32 | WaveStream that can mix together multiple 32 bit input streams (Normally used with stereo input channels) All channels must have the same number of inputs |
CNAudio.Wave.WaveOffsetStream | Simply shifts the input stream in time, optionally clipping its start and end. (n.b. may include looping in the future) |
CNAudio.Dmo.IWMResamplerProps | Windows Media Resampler Props wmcodecdsp.h |
Cxeno_rat_server.Listener | |
CPlugin.Chromium.Login | |
Cxeno_rat_server.Forms.Login | |
CPlugin.Main | |
CNAudio.MediaFoundation.MediaFoundationApi | Main interface for using Media Foundation with NAudio |
CNAudio.MediaFoundation.MediaFoundationAttributes | Media Foundation attribute guids |
CNAudio.MediaFoundation.MediaFoundationErrors | Media Foundation Errors |
CNAudio.MediaFoundation.MediaFoundationInterop | Interop definitions for MediaFoundation thanks to Lucian Wischik for the initial work on many of these definitions (also various interfaces) n.b. the goal is to make as much of this internal as possible, and provide better .NET APIs using the MediaFoundationApi class instead |
CNAudio.Wave.MediaFoundationReader.MediaFoundationReaderSettings | Allows customisation of this reader class |
CNAudio.MediaFoundation.MediaFoundationTransformCategories | Media Foundation Transform Categories |
CNAudio.Dmo.MediaObjectSizeInfo | Media Object Size Info |
CNAudio.Dmo.MediaParamInfo | MP_PARAMINFO |
CNAudio.MediaFoundation.MediaType | Media Type helper class, simplifying working with IMFMediaType (will probably change in the future, to inherit from an attributes class) Currently does not release the COM object, so you must do that yourself |
CNAudio.Dmo.MediaTypes | Uuids.h, ksuuids.h |
CNAudio.MediaFoundation.MediaTypes | Major Media Types |
CNAudio.Utils.MergeSort | |
CNAudio.Mixer.MixerInterop.Metrics | METRICS structure |
CNAudio.MediaFoundation.MF_SINK_WRITER_STATISTICS | Contains statistics about the performance of the sink writer |
CNAudio.MediaFoundation.MFReadWriteClassFactory | CLSID_MFReadWriteClassFactory |
CNAudio.MediaFoundation.MFT_INPUT_STREAM_INFO | Contains information about an input stream on a Media Foundation transform (MFT) |
CNAudio.MediaFoundation.MFT_OUTPUT_DATA_BUFFER | Contains information about an output buffer for a Media Foundation transform |
CNAudio.MediaFoundation.MFT_OUTPUT_STREAM_INFO | Contains information about an output stream on a Media Foundation transform (MFT) |
CNAudio.MediaFoundation.MFT_REGISTER_TYPE_INFO | Contains media type information for registering a Media Foundation transform (MFT) |
CNAudio.Midi.MidiInterop.MIDIEVENT | |
CNAudio.Midi.MidiFile | Class able to read a MIDI file |
CNAudio.Midi.MidiInterop.MIDIHDR | |
CNAudio.Midi.MidiInCapabilities | MIDI In Device Capabilities |
CNAudio.Midi.MidiMessage | Represents a MIDI message |
CNAudio.Midi.MidiOutCapabilities | Class representing the capabilities of a MIDI out device MIDIOUTCAPS: |
CNAudio.Midi.MidiInterop.MIDIPROPTEMPO | |
CNAudio.Mixer.Mixer | Represents a Windows mixer device |
CNAudio.Mixer.MixerInterop.MIXERCAPS | |
►CNAudio.Mixer.MixerControl | Represents a mixer control |
CNAudio.Mixer.BooleanMixerControl | Boolean mixer control |
CNAudio.Mixer.CustomMixerControl | Custom Mixer control |
CNAudio.Mixer.ListTextMixerControl | List text mixer control |
CNAudio.Mixer.SignedMixerControl | Represents a signed mixer control |
CNAudio.Mixer.UnsignedMixerControl | Represents an unsigned mixer control |
CNAudio.Mixer.MixerInterop.MIXERCONTROL | MIXERCONTROL struct |
CNAudio.Mixer.MixerInterop.MIXERCONTROLDETAILS | |
CNAudio.Mixer.MixerInterop | |
CNAudio.Mixer.MixerInterop.MIXERLINE | |
CNAudio.Mixer.MixerLine | Represents a mixer line (source or destination) |
CNAudio.Mixer.MixerInterop.MIXERLINECONTROLS | |
CNAudio.CoreAudioApi.Interfaces.MMDeviceEnumeratorComObject | Implements IMMDeviceEnumerator |
CPlugin.MMDeviceEnumeratorComObject | |
CNAudio.Midi.MidiInterop.MMTIME | |
CNAudio.Wave.MmTime | |
CNAudio.SoundFont.Modulator | Modulator |
CNAudio.SoundFont.ModulatorBuilder | |
CNAudio.SoundFont.ModulatorType | Modulator Type |
CNAudio.Wave.Mp3Frame | Represents an MP3 Frame |
CNAudio.Wave.Mp3Index | |
CNAudio.Codecs.MuLawDecoder | Mu-law decoder based on code from: |
CNAudio.Codecs.MuLawEncoder | Mu-law encoder based on code from: |
CNAudio.Utils.NativeMethods | General purpose native methods for internal NAudio use |
CNAudio.Wasapi.CoreAudioApi.NativeMethods | |
Cxeno_rat_server.IconInjector.NativeMethods | |
►CNativeWindow | |
CNAudio.Wave.WaveWindowNative | |
Cxeno_rat_client.Node | |
Cxeno_rat_server.Node | |
CNAudio.Dmo.Effect.DmoChorus.Params | DMO Chorus Params |
CNAudio.Dmo.Effect.DmoCompressor.Params | DMO Compressor Params |
CNAudio.Dmo.Effect.DmoDistortion.Params | DMO Distortion Params |
CNAudio.Dmo.Effect.DmoEcho.Params | DMO Echo Params |
CNAudio.Dmo.Effect.DmoFlanger.Params | DMO Flanger Params |
CNAudio.Dmo.Effect.DmoGargle.Params | DMO Gargle Params |
CNAudio.Dmo.Effect.DmoI3DL2Reverb.Params | DMO I3DL2Reverb Params |
CNAudio.Dmo.Effect.DmoParamEq.Params | DMO ParamEq Params |
CNAudio.Dmo.Effect.DmoWavesReverb.Params | DMO Reverb Params |
►CPictureBox | |
Cxeno_rat_server.Forms.CustomPictureBox | |
CHidden_handler.input_handler.POINT | |
CPlugin.ScreenshotTaker.POINTAPI | |
CNAudio.SoundFont.Preset | A SoundFont Preset |
CNAudio.SoundFont.PresetBuilder | |
CNAudio.SoundFont.PresetsChunk | Class to read the SoundFont file presets chunk |
CHidden_handler.Process_Handler | |
CHidden_handler._ProcessHelper.PROCESS_INFORMATION | |
CPlugin.Main.PROCESSENTRY32 | |
CPlugin.Main.ProcessNode | |
Cxeno_rat_server.Forms.ProcessNode | |
Cxeno_rat_client.Program | |
Cxeno_rat_server.Program | |
CNAudio.CoreAudioApi.PropertyKey | PROPERTYKEY is defined in wtypes.h |
CNAudio.CoreAudioApi.PropertyKeys | Property Keys |
CNAudio.CoreAudioApi.PropertyStore | Property Store class, only supports reading properties at the moment |
CNAudio.CoreAudioApi.PropertyStoreProperty | Property Store Property |
CNAudio.CoreAudioApi.Interfaces.PropVariant | From Propidl.h. contains a union so we have to do an explicit layout |
CNAudio.CoreAudioApi.Interfaces.PropVariantNative | |
CInfoGrab.SQLiteHandler.record_header_field | |
CHidden_handler.Imaging_handler.RECT | |
CHidden_handler.input_handler.RECT | |
CPlugin.RegInfo | |
Cxeno_rat_server.Forms.RegInfo | |
CPlugin.RegValue | |
Cxeno_rat_server.Forms.RegValue | |
Cxeno_rat_server.Forms.Socks5Const.Reply | |
CNAudio.Dmo.ResamplerMediaComObject | From wmcodecsdp.h Implements: |
CNAudio.Wave.RiffChunk | Holds information about a RIFF file chunk |
CNAudio.SoundFont.SampleDataChunk | |
CNAudio.SoundFont.SampleHeader | A SoundFont Sample Header |
CNAudio.SoundFont.SampleHeaderBuilder | |
CNAudio.Wave.SampleProviders.SampleProviderConverters | Utility class for converting to SampleProvider |
CPlugin.ScreenshotTaker | |
CNAudio.CoreAudioApi.SessionCollection | Collection of sessions |
CNAudio.SoundFont.SFVersion | SoundFont Version Structure |
CNAudio.SoundFont.SFVersionBuilder | Builds a SoundFont version |
CHidden_handler._ProcessHelper.SID_AND_ATTRIBUTES | |
CNAudio.Dsp.SmbPitchShifter | SMB Pitch Shifter |
Cxeno_rat_client.SocketHandler | |
Cxeno_rat_server.SocketHandler | |
CPlugin.Socks5Const | |
Cxeno_rat_server.Forms.Socks5Const | |
CPlugin.Socks5Handler | |
CNAudio.SoundFont.SoundFont | Represents a SoundFont |
CInfoGrab.SQLiteHandler.sqlite_master_entry | |
CInfoGrab.SQLiteHandler | |
CHidden_handler._ProcessHelper.STARTUPINFO | |
CHidden_handler.Process_Handler.STARTUPINFO | |
CNAudio.Wave.SampleProviders.StereoSamplePair | Pair of floating point values, representing samples or multipliers |
CPlugin.SystemUtility | |
CInfoGrab.SQLiteHandler.table_entry | |
►CTextWriter | |
Cxeno_rat_client.CapturingConsoleWriter | |
CHidden_handler._ProcessHelper.TOKEN_MANDATORY_LABEL | |
CNAudio.MediaFoundation.TranscodeContainerTypes | Https:// |
Cxeno_rat_client.Utils | |
Cxeno_rat_server.Utils | |
CAForge.Video.DirectShow.VideoCapabilities | Capabilities of video device such as frame size and frame rate |
CAForge.Video.DirectShow.VideoInput | Video input of a capture board |
CNAudio.Wave.WaveCallbackInfo | Wave Callback Info |
CNAudio.Wave.WaveCapabilitiesHelpers | |
CNAudio.Wave.WaveExtensionMethods | Useful extension methods to make switching between WaveAndSampleProvider easier |
CNAudio.FileFormats.Wav.WaveFileChunkReader | |
CNAudio.Wave.Compression.WaveFilter | Summary description for WaveFilter |
►CNAudio.Wave.WaveFormat | Represents a Wave file format |
CNAudio.Wave.AdpcmWaveFormat | Microsoft ADPCM See |
CNAudio.Wave.Gsm610WaveFormat | GSM 610 |
CNAudio.Wave.ImaAdpcmWaveFormat | IMA/DVI ADPCM Wave Format Work in progress |
CNAudio.Wave.Mp3WaveFormat | MP3 WaveFormat, MPEGLAYER3WAVEFORMAT from mmreg.h |
CNAudio.Wave.OggWaveFormat | |
CNAudio.Wave.TrueSpeechWaveFormat | DSP Group TrueSpeech |
CNAudio.Wave.WaveFormatExtensible | WaveFormatExtensible |
CNAudio.Wave.WaveFormatExtraData | This class used for marshalling from unmanaged code |
CNAudio.Wave.WaveFormats.WmaWaveFormat | The WMA wave format. May not be much use because WMA codec is a DirectShow DMO not an ACM |
CNAudio.Wave.WaveHeader | WaveHeader interop structure (WAVEHDR) |
CNAudio.Wave.WaveInCapabilities | WaveInCapabilities structure (based on WAVEINCAPS2 from mmsystem.h) |
CNAudio.Wave.WaveInterop | MME Wave function interop |
CNAudio.Wave.WaveOutCapabilities | WaveOutCapabilities structure (based on WAVEOUTCAPS2 from mmsystem.h) |
CNAudio.Wave.WaveOutUtils | |
CNAudio.Utils.WavePositionExtensions | WavePosition extension methods |
CNAudio.Dsp.WdlResampler.WDL_Resampler_IIRFilter | |
CNAudio.Dsp.WdlResampler | Fully managed resampler, based on Cockos WDL Resampler |
CPlugin.Chromium.WebHistory | |
Cxeno_rat_server.Forms.WebHistory | |
CHidden_handler.input_handler.WINDOWPLACEMENT | |
CNAudio.Dmo.WindowsMediaMp3DecoderComObject | Implements IMediaObject (DirectX Media Object) implements IMFTransform (Media Foundation Transform) On Windows XP, it is always an MM (if present at all) |
CNAudio.Wave.XingHeader | Represents a Xing VBR header |
CNAudio.SoundFont.Zone | A SoundFont zone |
CNAudio.SoundFont.ZoneBuilder | |
►CStream | |
CNAudio.Utils.IgnoreDisposeStream | Pass-through stream that ignores Dispose Useful for dealing with MemoryStreams that you want to re-use |
CNAudio.Wave.AiffFileWriter | This class writes audio data to a .aif file on disk |
CNAudio.Wave.ComStream | Implementation of Com IStream |
►CNAudio.Wave.WaveFileWriter | This class writes WAV data to a .wav file on disk |
CNAudio.Wave.CueWaveFileWriter | A wave file writer that adds cue support |
CNAudio.Wave.WaveStream | Base class for all WaveStream classes. Derives from stream |